The project

mont.torreMusica Antica a Monterone:
The medieval village is located on top of a hill, surrounded by strong fortification walls. The old facades, made of natural stone, follow the small winding lanes that reach down the hill. A wider view opens towards the River Foglia Valley, surrounded by the Alpe della Luna ridge. It is here, where you should stop and listen and sharpen your senses. It was here that the idea to create a lute music festival was born: Musica Antica a Monterone.

The Festival following the topics Lute, Ancient Music and Art, provides yearly events of concerts in combination with workshops exhibitions of lutes and guitars, lectures of literature and exhibitions of Art. Changing aspects of music and dance, music and poetry, music and lute-making, music and art, draw attention towards the whole cultural and historical background of the instrument and its music.The small Piazetta front of the church is the scene of some musical events.

Read more: The project

The project

MonteroneMusica Antica a Monterone:
The medieval village is located on top of a hill, surrounded by strong fortification walls. The old facades, made of natural stone, follow the small winding lanes that reach down the hill. A wider view opens towards the River Foglia Valley, surrounded by the Alpe della Luna ridge. It is here, where you should stop and listen and sharpen your senses. It was here that the idea to create a lute music festival was born: Musica Antica a Monterone.

The Festival following the topics Lute, Ancient Music and Art, provides yearly events of concerts in combination with workshops exhibitions of lutes and guitars, lectures of literature and exhibitions of Art. Changing aspects of music and dance, music and poetry, music and lute-making, music and art, draw attention towards the whole cultural and historical background of the instrument and its music.The small Piazetta front of the church is the scene of some musical events.

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Courses in Monterone


Monterone - Castello del Liuto
52038 Sestino (Arezzo), Italy

05 – 12 May 2024

Sigrun Richter - Lute

Music from the 16th and early 17th century
Quartets, Trios, Duets
Arias of Caccini, Peri, d’India, Frescobaldi, etc.;
Frottole of M. Cara, B. Tromboncino; Lute-Songs

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MONT-CORSO-III-2016 Monterone - Castello del Liuto
Sestino (Arezzo), Italy

28th march – 3rd April 2016


Music from Shakespeares' times
Lute solos, Lutesongs,
Madrigals with Basso Continuo from the 16th and early 17th century

Sigrun Richter - Lute
Patrizia Vaccari – Voice

See all Highlights from Italy.

> Retrospect ...

How to find Monterone?

Monterone is part of the town Sestino in the province of Arezzo.

Distances from: Sestino 5 km, Belforte all'Isauro 3 km, Urbino (PU) 45 km, Pesaro 60 km,

Rimini 65 km, Arezzo 90 km.

Airports: Bologna, Rimini

Train stations: Pesaro, Rimini

Bus: from / to Pesaro, Rimini, Arezzo


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